Posted by: Mary Simpson | April 29, 2012

Canadian Cattle Genome Project Bull profiles famous North Devon Bull

Potheridge President is arguably one of the most notable North (Red) Devon bulls imported into North America. Sired by Potheridge Ransom and Potheridge Dainty 9th, he was imported from England into the US in 1968 and his seedstock was imported into Canada shortly thereafter. He was the first Devon bull to become a Certified Meat Sire and won every category for production, reproduction, and meat quality in the American ABS trials in the late 1960s. His genetics are highly influential in North American Devon cattle which are known for their efficient growth on grass forage and were known as “the Butcher’s Choice” because of the meat tenderness, taste and juiciness. Although there are few Red Devon pure bred herds in Canada, his genetics have been influential in many commercial crossbred programs.

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